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Frequently asked questions

1. What is Gameasy?

Gameasy is a gaming platform providing more than 3500 mobile games (HTML and Android). Gameasy is 100% official and secure.

2. Who can subscribe to Gameasy and how much does it cost?

To know more about our subscriptions, please refer to our Terms and conditions that you could find easily on our website.

3. What devices is Gameasy compatible with?

Gameasy is responsive and compatible with every device. From smartphones and tablets, we offer a variety of games to fulfill user’s needs.

4. How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, please go on "My Account" page and click on "Unsubscribe". Be aware that by doing this, you will not be able to enjoy Gameasy advantages anymore.

5. How do I get more information about the service?

For further information, feel free to contact us on customer@gameasy.com